Here’s Why Customer Service Matters

Here’s Why Customer Service Matters

The customer service experience is one of the most important aspects of a business, where it can really separate them from their competition. However, many businesses have not prioritized this aspect because they don’t see it as being necessary or tangible enough to spend time and money on. But by understanding some key reasons behind why customer service matters you’ll be better equipped in taking your company’s approach to another level.

Customer service is important because it helps to build trust in a company. It also allows customers to get their problems fixed quickly and easily. Read more in detail here: why customer service is important.

Here’s Why Customer Service Matters

I’m no genius, but I believe that excellent customer service is critical.

And when I say I’m not a genius, I mean I’m not a genius at all. But one thing I do know is that some of the world’s most successful firms follow a simple principle:

Exceptional customer service.

For example, without our dedicated subscribers, The Success Bug would be nothing… They will undoubtedly like and share this content on their preferred social media channel…

Anyway, it seems that listening to your customers’ needs and desires is crucial to expanding or simply being successful in general, particularly when it comes to a smaller firm. Airbnb, for example, made it a habit, almost an obsession, in its early phases to become best friends with its client base.

An Irrational Search for Perfection

Airbnb is an internet marketplace for giving or organizing housing, typically homestays or vacation experiences, for individuals who are unfamiliar.

The only way to build a really scalable and viral company, according to Brian Chesky, CEO of Airbnb, is to “create a whole mind-fuck experience that you’ll tell everyone about” (his words, not mine)!

Chesky and his co-founder exemplified this idea to the degree that they would often visit their hosts in New York during Airbnb’s early phases.

Not only that, but they pioneered the “10 Star Design” method, which they continue to use today. The 10 Star Design strategy entails polling and probing your consumer base to determine exactly, and I mean *exactly*, what they believe to be their ideal experience.

From ***** to *


Chesky and his team would poll their customers to find out what they thought a one-star experience was like, and then work their way up to a five-star one.

A five-star hotel experience, for example, would be a virtual reality simulation of a stay at a hotel inside my favorite video game, if you asked me. That sounds unachievable (or is it? ), yet knowing something as important as your consumers’ top demands seems to be a guide to crafting the ideal user experience.

And who wouldn’t want to do anything like that? What’s your 10-Star blog experience, by the way? Please let us know by going to our “Contact Us” page.

The “Here’s Why Customer Service Matters” is a blog post that explains why customer service is important. The author of the article, Rachelle, talks about how customer service can be a great tool for companies to use in order to gain more customers and make their business grow. Reference: why customer service is important essay.

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